About Me

Teaching from My Trunk - Itinerant Deaf/Hard of Hearing Education

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Lauren Ledbetter. I have been a teacher for students who are Deaf or hard of hearing since 2013. Currently, my position is an itinerant position, serving D/HH students in 10 different schools (preschool through high school) in the Lexington/Richland area of SC. 

The purpose of this blog is to highlight and collect various strategies for teachers of the Deaf, especially those who "teach from their trunk" and need efficient, multi-use strategies for planning to teach various ages and skills.

A little bit about me (like this page might imply...):

"I love you" hands
I am married to Darren, and we live in Lexington with our two ferrets. They like to steal things and hide them under one of our recliners whenever we let them out. In fact, as I'm about to write my first blog post, I have to go retrieve the game I want to showcase from their hiding spot!
This is Baxter (white) and Charlotte (black).
This is the only time in history they've been out of their cage and still for more than half a second.

I went to Clemson University, and I LOVE the Clemson Tigers. I majored in Elementary Education, and I minored in American Sign Language. Once I graduated from CU, I went to Converse College to take the classes I needed for DHH certification. I am passionate about communication for students who are Deaf/hard of hearing and I hope that through this blog, I can make more connections to learn more about educating families, creating solid communication plans for students, and being a more efficient educator!

Tiger Fans! #allin
I love to do handlettering and calligraphy; it is my second passion! Any handlettered graphics you see on the site were done by me (rosewoodlettering.com) ;)


  1. Post pics:) :) I would love to see more pics from your wedding or of your ferrets! That's so fun!

    1. I posted my ferrets - I hadn't even thought to put pics on this page haha

  2. Go Tigers! Everyone in my family has gone to Clemson except me. I love seeing and reading about your ferrets. How fun!

    1. My family is a Clemson family too! My dad and both my brothers went... we actually all graduated from the same high school too (all of us including my mom)... so we are pretty loyal fans of our schools :)

  3. My daughter is an Alum of Clemson! Go Tigers! Great site, Lauren.


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